CutViewer Mill v3.1: A Powerful Tool for CNC Simulation
CutViewer Mill v3.1 is a software program that simulates the material removal process for milling and drilling operations in 2, 2.5, or 3 axes. It allows users to check and verify their CNC programs before running them on a real machine, saving time and money and avoiding potential errors and accidents.
CutViewer Mill v3.1 can read NC files in various formats, such as G-code, DXF, HPGL, and STL. It can also import tool definitions from Mach3 and other popular CNC software. Users can define the stock size and shape, the tool geometry and parameters, the cutting speed and feed rate, and other options to customize the simulation.
CutViewer Mill v3.1
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CutViewer Mill v3.1 displays the simulation in a realistic 3D view, showing the tool path and the material removal process. Users can zoom, pan, rotate, and measure the model, as well as change the viewing angle and perspective. Users can also pause, resume, rewind, and fast-forward the simulation, as well as jump to any line of the NC file.
CutViewer Mill v3.1 provides useful feedback and analysis tools for users to evaluate their CNC programs. It can detect collisions between the tool and the stock or the machine components, as well as show the remaining material after each cut. It can also calculate the machining time, the material volume and weight removed, and the surface finish quality.
CutViewer Mill v3.1 is a 32-bit application that runs on Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7. It has a minimum hardware requirement of a Pentium or AMD processor with 64 MB of RAM, a video graphics card with at least 2 MB of RAM, and 100 MB of available hard disk space.
CutViewer Mill v3.1 is available for free trial download from The trial version is fully functional for 30 days. Users can purchase a license for $175 USD from the same website.CutViewer Mill v3.1: Features and Benefits
CutViewer Mill v3.1 has many features and benefits that make it a powerful and versatile tool for CNC simulation. Some of the main features and benefits are:
CutViewer Mill v3.1 can open and display standard ISO G-code files, as well as other formats such as DXF, HPGL, and STL. It can also read any control with a special .dll file that can be customized for specific CNC hardware.
CutViewer Mill v3.1 provides real-time manual editing and verification of the program file, allowing users to modify and correct any errors or mistakes in the code. Users can also insert comments, pauses, and breakpoints in the program file.
CutViewer Mill v3.1 displays the simulation in a realistic 3D view, showing the tool path and the material removal process. Users can choose from different viewing modes, such as wireframe, solid, transparent, or shaded. Users can also change the color and texture of the stock and the tool.
CutViewer Mill v3.1 allows users to view the simulation from different viewpoints of the part, such as top, front, side, isometric, or user-defined. Users can also zoom, pan, rotate, and measure the model with a mouse or keyboard commands.
CutViewer Mill v3.1 provides useful feedback and analysis tools for users to evaluate their CNC programs. It can detect collisions between the tool and the stock or the machine components, as well as show the remaining material after each cut. It can also calculate the machining time, the material volume and weight removed, and the surface finish quality.
CutViewer Mill v3.1 supports various types of tools, such as ball end mill, bull end mill, flat end mill, tapered mills, chamfer tools, drills, and center drills. The ball mill tool can be used with control points on either the ball surface or on the ball center.
CutViewer Mill v3.1 allows users to define the stock size and shape, either as a squared block or a cylinder. Stock and tool data can be included in the CNC program file or defined separately prior to running the program.
CutViewer Mill v3.1 is a user-friendly and cost-effective software program that simulates the material removal process for milling and drilling operations in 2, 2.5, or 3 axes. It helps users to check and verify their CNC programs before running them on a real machine, saving time and money and avoiding potential errors and accidents. 0efd9a6b88