Sometimes I think we all just need some new ideas. So how about these... my staples that I return to again and again. Red pepper and tomato soup is one of the very first things I ever made in my Thermomix and you cannot imagine how often I have cooked it since, it is the perfect lunch time, quick as you like, healthy and satisfying soup. Keep some lightly whizzed up parmesan(50g), parsley (handful), 1/2 slice of brown seedy bread and garlic(1 clove) in the freezer to sprinkle over for a great green boost of gremolata-y flavour.

Mincing meat is easy and v v quick, check it out on Cookidoo, then you know what is in your mince.
Some of these recipes are not on UK Cookidoo so be prepared to add other countries to your filters when searching , or just send me a message.
Is pastry something you avoid making yourself? The recipes on Cookidoo are the most reliable ever, try the plain shortcrust at the foot of this list, and you will never look back.
Maybe you have never made homemade mayonnaise, get a teenager to do it for

you, ask your other half, it can give such a feeling of empowerment.
Of the stock pastes the Vegetable one is my favourite by far. It keeps for months in the fridge and the ingredients are all good clean & healthy, and when you need chicken stock/broth try the recipe on my April blog.
The simple chocolate custard recipe here is my go to pantry cupboard desert. Pour it into small ramekins to set and you have made your own Chocolate Goo.

If this is useful I will repeat with some January vegany vegetariany ideas. Please give me feedback.